Article written by Cameron Stenzel.  Photo by Cameron Stenzel.

Spring in Minn. is here, but so is the snow.

With the increase in warm temperatures, the melting snow brings the possibility of flooding.

“With snow continuing to melt into the soil and the amount of rain and snow we continue to receive, more likely we will see some flooding around St. Cloud,” said Dr. Andrea Thorstensen, St. Cloud State Hydrology professor.

The melting snow and April showers can cause flooding, but other factors can as well.

“One common factor that increases flooding is sewer drains because if they haven’t been inspected or they aren’t draining properly, then you can see some impressive flooding really quick,” said Dr. Thorstensen.

There is also the factor of high water levels of lakes and rivers.

“Rivers and lakes in the St. Cloud area, like the Sauk River and Lake George, have the potential to cause severe flooding,” said Dr. Thorstensen. “One of the spots to watch around St. Cloud State University is Ninth Avenue by Lake George. There is a barricade there due to the recent snow melting.”

Most students who live on campus live more than an hour away and cannot commute to and from school. Other students who live close enough to the campus can commute more easily.

Angelina Palumbo, a junior at St. Cloud State, is a commuter student.

“I commute four hours a week to and from school,” said Palumbo. “As I drive to and from the Twin Cities, I have seen how quickly the snow is melting.” 

There is also the possibility of flooding anytime there is a severe rain storm.

“If you have to go out into severe weather, drive with precaution and drive slow,” said Ryan McFadden, first-year student at St. Cloud State. “It’s also important to stay up to date with the National Weather Service or your local news to track how long the storm will last.”

Flooding especially impacts drivers, like St. Cloud State commuter students.

“If drivers see a flooded street, turn around and don’t drown,” said Palumbo. “If drivers get stuck in the flood waters and the water begins to rise, get out of the car and get to higher ground.”

For more flood safety tips go to for more information.

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